Thursday, June 14, 2007

July Vacation

Our family vacation this year is taking us to Boston, New York, and Washington D.C. We plan on spending 5 or 6 days in Boston and then we'll drive to New York for a quick stop. From there we head to Washington, DC for 5 days. I would love to get some suggestions of things to see and do in any of these places.


Sheri said...

Let me try this again! I can make a blog, but can't figure out how to comment. Hopefully 2 comments from me don't show up. Anyway, woo hoo for you! I am excited about this blog stuff! Now I will never cook! I do have a recipe for you and your friends from last night's cooking: buy 1 rotiserie chicken at the grocery store, any store will do; open a bag of frozen stir fry vegetables; throw them together in a frying pan, heat them up, there you have it. And Cameron even ate the vegetables -- it was a miracle!

Sheri said...

PS...there is a way to set up other links to favorite sites; other people's blogs, etc. I haven't had time to do that yet, but once I do, I'll put your blog on there and people can connect to you from that -- you can do the same with mine -- it really is amazing. It doesn't take much to amaze me technically, though :)

rokstl said...

I'd suggest going to a Red Sox game in Boston, and a drive through the "big dig." You can spend a year or two in DC seeing things--the WWII memorial (in the mall) is impressive, as are the other memorials: Korean War, FDR, Viet Nam). The National Building Museum is a little known, but impressive place--built after the Civil War to process veterans benefits, it now has fun exhibits and the most amazing Corinthian columns(inside). The National Archives is a must see, too. I also love the Air and Space museum (part of the Smithsonian) and the Library of Congress--you can go on a really fun tour.

Jenny said...

Thanks for the suggestions Rocky. I am putting Jessi to work finding out about the places you sugested.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you visit the White House and let Jessi jump the little white railing and see how many Secret Service agents it takes to catch her. Have her run at half speed until at least 5 are after her. Have some oxygen on hand to for the agents, since they will be quite winded before they catch her

Anonymous said...

We are going to miss Jennifer in the office while she is on vacation as she is about the only person who will talk and joke around with us old guys. She knows she has to if she wants us to keep listening to all her stories about soccer, track, baseball, congressmen, her folks, her inlaws, her cousins, her aunts, uncles and friends etc......, oh yes - Husband. But we look forward to hearing her say "good morning" and can't wait to hear her first story of the day.