Friday, August 31, 2007


I know it has beem a long time since I updated my blog so here are some pictures!

Me on my 40th birthday. Kelly, Juliette and Kelvin came over for a dinner at home. We had roast potatoes and carrots. I was wonderful not to have any running around to do!

Devin on his first day of school. He is Mrs. Tesson's 4th grade class.

Jessi on her first day of school. She is a sophomore this year. Every day she carries her softball bag and her backpack to school. A few other of the other girls in her carpool also play softball. I imagine the Senior's car who takes her to school is packed with stuff every morning.

Devin at Happy Joe's celebrating his 10th birthday.

Jessi and Kelsie at Happy Joe's. What princesses they are!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Back to the "Routine"

No pictures but I didn't want to go to long with out an update. (It makes my sister-in-law cranky. ;>)
I am back from seeing my sister and my new nephew. Devin and I had an uneventful trip home. He slept about half the way. I guess his cousin, Dylan wore him out!

Devin turned 10 last week. We had a small celebration with Family at Happy Joe's. My mom and dad drove down, Sheri, Kenny and the kids joined us and of course our adopted family, Kelly, Juliette and Kelvin were there. I'll try and post some pictures soon. His birthday is dragging on and on! Every time I turn around someone is giving him a present.

Jessi made the varsity softball team at Rosati. She is excited but a little nervous. They have been practicing early in the morning in an attempt to avoid the heat. She is pretty sure that she will be playing center field. She was mentioned in the journal for those of you in STL. Her first game is August 23.

Both the kids start school on August 22. So they have less than a week of freedom. Jessi says she is ready to see all of her friends again but could do without the "learning part". Should I mention to her that Kyle and I pay a lot of money for the "learning part"! Devin is ready to start school. I can hardly believe he is in 4th grade! He will be a busy boy with 2 soccer teams and playing volleyball. I think who ever signed him up for all that must be crazy!!!

There might be someone out there who doesn't know that I am saying goodbye to my 30's next week. Kyle has been 40 for a couple of months and he seems to be surviving so I know there is hope! Just kidding! I feel better and I am happier than I have ever been so HELLO 40!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Welcome Drew!

My sister and her husband Darren were blessed with a beautiful baby boy this afternoon. Drew Jacob was born at 12:30. He weighed 7.79 pounds and was about 20 inches long. Jackie and Drew are doing well. I think Jackie looks great. Devin and I went with my parents to introduce Dylan to his baby brother. Dylan was very excited about seeing his mom and dad. He was less impressed with Drew. Dylan is 18 months old so Jackie and Darren are going to have their hands full!

Proud papa shows off Drew to us onlookers. Me and my new nephew. I am sooo happy for them!
(and sooo happy it isn't me!)

Devin holds his newest cousin. He was a little nervous at first but he did a very good job. Devin would much rather entertain Dylan and he does a great job.

Devin would much rather help with Dylan and he does a great job at that!

Grandpa and Drew

Grandma introduces Dylan to his baby brother.

Trip to see the new baby

Devin and I came to the QC to be with my sister when she has her baby. We got here Sunday night. It was a tiring drive for me. Devin sat up front to keep me company. Jackie, Darren and Dylan dropped by for supper. Dylan LOVES Devin! They had a great time together. Oh and we can't forget about Digger, Darren's bulldog, who has been staying with my mom and dad while Jackie and Darren try to sell their house. Be sure to check back soon for pictures of the new baby.

Isn't this the most adorable dog you have ever seen? HA!

Dylan loves Thomas the Tank Engine. He sat with Devin and "showed" him all the trains.

Devin and Dylan playing with Dylan's Thomas the Tank Engine.