Thursday, November 22, 2007

Drive Home

I had hoped to leave our house by 12:00 yesterday but we didn't get on the road until 12:40 or so. The weather was not so great. It rained the entire way, sometimes it rained so hard I couldn't see more than two car lengths in front of me. The traffic was very heavy especially up until Springfield, IL. It did get a little lighter after that. I counted 28 State Police along our way. The trip went surprisingly fast though. Tim let me borrow his FM IPOD converter thingy. I really have no idea what it is called but I could listen to my IPOD through the radio. The good news was that the trip didn't drag to much. The bad news is that everyone had to listen to me sing for 4 1/2 hours! I did notice at one point in the trip everyone had head phones on except me. I am sure this was not a comment on my voice! Once in town we went to my sister's game. My sister is the Freshmen coach for girls basketball at Alleman (my high school). The Alleman Pioneers played the Moline Maroons (Kyle's high school). Alleman was trounced but we did score 18 points and my sister had hoped to just get into double digits. Afterwards we went to eat at Pizza and Subs. A great place for calzones. Enjoy the pictures.

Jessi at my mom and dad's house holding Drew. Drew is 3 months old. He weighs at least 15 pounds. He is a BIG boy. He is adorable and a very happy baby.

When Jackie coaches she paces up and down the sidelines. She doesn't scream at the girls. When she wants to talk to them about what they are doing she subs them out of the game. She is pretty intense.

Me holding baby Drew. Everyone kept asking me if I wanted to put him in his car seat but I didn't want to give him up because I rarely get to see him.

Grandma, Dylan and Devin at Pizza and Subs. Dylan was done for the night by the time dinner was through. So was I actually.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I am going to warn you this is long. I'm not apologizing just letting you know!!!!

The weekend of Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite times of the year. Now that our kids are older and involved in more things it is harder for us to make trips to the QC (home). Many Thanksgivings, Kyle and I talk about being able to spend a holiday in our home. We talk about how relaxing it would be. Because from the minute we arrive, we run from place to place. I am sure some of you may think this is an exaggeration but it is not. This year I want to be thankful for every thing we do and everyone we see. What follows is our known itinerary. I say known because there are several things that are not scheduled yet.

Wednesday: Today we will rush to get out of town so we can arrive in time to see my sister coach basketball. Afterwards (hopefully) we will go out for diner with her family. This is the only game I get to see her whole basketball season. Jackie would understand if we couldn't make it but I don't see her often enough and I love to get a glimpse of her life.

Thursday: In the morning we will go to Kyle's parent's house. It is "just" his immediate family. You know, parents, brother, sisters and their families. I say "just" because there will be about 23 people! That is unreal to me! My immediate family consists of 10. We'll eat to much, play games, and have to drag the kids away before they are ready to go. Then we will rush to my uncle's house for the "Hare" Thanksgiving, my mom's side of the family. All of my aunts, uncles, most of my cousins, and their children get together at my Uncle Phil's house. This year there will be at least 35 people. It is loud, unruly, crowded, and hilarious. It is a crazy family made up of crazy people.

Friday: In the morning my mom, dad, Kyle and I will go shopping. This is a new tradition that started last year. My mom didn't know it was tradition until I told her Monday night. Traditions are very important to me! Ask my mom and sister. I don't like things to change. I'll add new traditions but hold on tightly to old traditions. Anyway, we don't go to many stores. While we are at Target my mom and I sit in their cafe and drink coffee while my dad and Kyle look for the things on our list and buy things that are not on our list. Friday afternoon we "stalk the yule tide bush" ie: the Christmas Tree. My parents, sister, her family, Aunt and Uncle, and their kids cut down a live tree every year. How long it takes is in direct proportion to the weather. The colder it is the less time it takes. My Aunt Becki can find their tree in mere minutes if it is really cold! We tag along for the cookies and hot chocolate. Afterwards there is chili and hot dogs. Friday night Kyle and I go to Circa, a diner theater, with his brother, sisters, spouses and parents. It is the only time the whole year when the "adults" get together. I am certain it is Kyle's favorite part of the weekend. We look forward to it and talk about it all year.

Saturday: This is the "unplanned" day. Though it is always planed by the time we get there but with what varies every year. I have to take time to mention that my mom's birthday is November 24th. My mother LOVES her birthday. She counts down to it every year. So somewhere in this already crazy weekend we celebrate the day that is "all about me (mom)". This year my mother's birthday falls on Saturday. My mom is getting her hair done at 8:00 in the morning. I really wish it was later but.... Jessi and I are going along and all three of us are getting manicures. We'll take my mom out for breakfast afterwards. My mom wants to go shopping for Jessi in the afternoon. You notice I said Jessi, not my mom. My mother says the day is all about her but that is never the case. It is usually all about her grand children. We'll get together with my sister and her family that evening for diner, cake and ice cream.

Sunday: We'll try to leave early so we can get home, do laundry, and get ready for the week.

A part of all this craziness is trying to get to all of the places we love to eat. These include but are not limited to: Rudy's (Tex Mex), Adolph's (mexican), Harris (pizza), Hungry Hobo (sandwhiches), and Whitey's (ice cream).

So, when Kyle and I talk about staying here for a holiday we say it in passing. This year as we rush from place to place and worry about all of the things we can't do, I want to remember to be thankful. We are pulled in so many directions because we are loved. Our friends and family want to see us and reconnect with us. I am thankful Kyle and I have jobs that allow us the flexibility to leave early enough to get to my sister's game. I am thankful for the noise, laughter, and bickering, that I hear on Thanksgiving day. I am thankful we have the means to shop for Christmas gifts. I am thankful for the beauty we see as my parents search for the "perfect" tree. I am thankful for my in-laws. They have always made me feel loved and welcomed. I am thankful for my parents and my sister. I am thankful for my mom's enthusiasm for life.

As we drive home I am thankful for the peace and quiet!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Last weekend, Kyle and I and our friends Barb and Jim, spent the weekend in Chicago. We stayed in Schaumburg but made a trip downtown on Saturday. Friday afternoon we did some shopping, which along with playing cards was a big theme of our trip. Friday night we played Euker, a card came that I have played forever but we just taught Barb and Jim. Barb and Kyle were partners and Jim and I were partners. I believe it is in the best interest of a marriage to make a point of NOT being partners while playing cards. Of the three of them I am clearly the most conservative card player. Jim and I lost on Friday but we had won the last time we played so no big deal. On Saturday Barb and Jim taught us how to play Spades. O.K. to be honest they taught Kyle how to play spades. Euker is easy. I understand euker. There are less cards in euker. There is less addition in euker. Your partner doesn't have the opportunity to do some thing called going "blind nill". Jim LOVES to go blind nill, which means he can't take a single trick for that hand and he decides this prior to looking at his cards. Then it becomes his partner's job to "cover" him so he doesn't take any tricks. Did I mention that I am a conservative card player? The concept of blind nill makes me nauseous! In addition to that I had to deal with something called "bags" which are tricks you take above the amount you bid. For example I bid 3 I take 4 that means we have one bag. After you take a certian number of bags points are deducted from your score. Oh wait, I can't forget that Jim gives me "signs" to try and let me know what he is going to do. I sat across from him all Saturday night and never saw a single "sign". He must have been trying to send them to telepathically. I am a perceptive person but not that perceptive! So, let me recap. I bid conservatively so I am likely to under bid. Some time in the beginning of the hand Jim sends me some "sign" that I don't pick up on. Jim LOVES to go blind nill so course that is what he does. Now I HAVE to take any tricks I can to "cover" Jim. In the mean time Barb is a Spades shark! She remembers every card that has been played in the entire hand. I can't even remember which card on the table is the one I played. Then there is Kyle who "doesn't know how to play" yet always seems to come out smelling like a rose. So Jim takes a trick and I take extra "bags". Needless to say Jim and I got our butts kicked. But, I'm not bitter or anything. I'd play again but I am not sure Jim would want me as his partner again.

Saturday morning we went down town to the Field Museum. All of us really enjoyed it. Well, all of us except Barb. After that we spent the day on Michigan Avenue shopping. Everywhere we went was packed with people. We stopped by the American Girl store so Barb could pick up some things for Christmas and I could not believe the amount of people. It was absolutely crazy! We had reservations for diner at the Weber Grill. It was probably one of the best steaks I have ever had. But, the best part of the day was that I got some awesome shoes!

Sunday we stopped at IKEA on our way out of town. Jim and Barb had never been there. I don't know why but Kyle and I love that store. We would drive up to Chicago just to make a trip to IKEA.

This entry wouldn't be complete unless I thanked my parents for watching Jessi and Devin. When we originally planed this get away all the kids had going on was one soccer game Saturday morning. But by the time the weekend rolled around Devin's soccer team was playing in a tournament. So there were 5 soccer games at two different places. We really appreciate you taking time off work to come and watch/haul the kids around. Thank you very much.

Where to next?